![The Banks of Buffalo, Gillette & Sheridan](/Media/BuffaloFederal/mainImage/buffalo-header-2.jpg)
![The Banks of Buffalo, Gillette & Sheridan](/Media/BuffaloFederal/mainImage/buffalo-header-mobile.jpg)
Frequently Asked Questions
These question and answer pairs are designed to answer the questions your customers may ask about the changes coming to Internet Banking.
Why the change?
It is time. We think you will agree. Here are some of the reasons:
- The site is now responsive. Responsive design is a buzzword for a design that flows and functions well on many screen resolutions to accommodate the various devices in today's marketplace.
- The site is now touch-friendly. Not only does the site look and perform well on desktop, it also works great on tablets and other touch-screen devices. You will notice larger buttons and links that allow "hit-space" for fingers. The navigation structure allows for both touch and mouse navigation.
- The new site takes advantage of new, powerful browser technologies. This means that, in many cases, the site does not need to load an entire new page for certain functions. This speeds up the process and makes the web page perform with more power and immediacy.
- This new site provides a scalable foundation so we can add new features more easily.
Will my browser work with the new site?
Most likely it will. To take advantage of the benefits listed above, the new site is built with technologies that older browsers do NOT have. All modern, standards-based browsers work with the new site. However, out-dated versions of Internet Explorer and other browsers will NOT work. Google has a resource you can use to see which browser are you using at https://whatbrowser.org.
By the way, it is always good to keep your browser and its plug-ins up-to-date. You can check your browser here.
Internet Banking works on a wide range of browsers and devices. Browsers that automatically update will function properly if auto-update is enabled. These browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, and Microsoft's newest browser, "Edge." Previous versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer work as well. For security purposes, Internet Explorer 9 is the earliest version of Internet Explorer supported by Internet Banking.
When will it happen?
The new site will go live on May 22, 2016. It will happen in the middle of the night to reduce disruption.
What can I expect to be different?
There are a few very important differences including browser support and Site-to-User.
If you use an older version of Internet Explorer, IE 8 or older, you need to upgrade. Upgrading improves your security and enhances your experience.
Site-to-User will no longer be available. With Site-to-User, during login, you first enter your login name and then you get an image and phrase, and then you enter your password. The purpose of Site-to-User option was to help you confirm that you were on our online banking site and not on a spoofed or phishing site.
In place of Site-to-User, we are adding a new way for you to identify that you are really on our real online banking site. You will now see immediate feedback inside your browser that you are on our authentic site. In the browser next to the URL of the site you are visiting you will see our bank name in green. This is a more reliable and secure way to ensure you are on our official online banking site.
Will the site be down for this change?
Only briefly. We will make the switch in the middle of the night to avoid disrupting most users.
What about my transactions?
Your transactions will be unaffected. This is a change in your online banking experience primarily. Almost all other functionality remains unchanged.
Will bill pay change?
The user interface will change. The process of adding and paying a bill is made easier. Other than that, the rest of bill pay is the same. You can schedule multiple payments from different accounts and view your
How will I get help if needed?
If you have questions, please contact us during business hours at: 307-684-5591. You can also email us at info@buffalofed.bank. You can also submit questions via online banking the Feedback or Contact Us features inside internet banking.
Will there be new functionality on the site?
P2P will be available.
Will the update cost me more money?
Nope, not a penny. Welcome to your new internet banking!