The Banks of Buffalo, Gillette & Sheridan
The Banks of Buffalo, Gillette & Sheridan

Consumer Loans

Personal Loan Advisor

Will Help You

  • Review your credit report and explain how to address any problem
  • Calculate a SAFE DEBT LEVEL that protects you and your family
  • Find the RIGHT LOANS for your particular needs

Consumer Loan Services

Flexible terms for all other borrowing needs

  • Vehicle and RV loans for as much as seven years
  • Always competitive rates of interest
  • Reduced rates on loans with automatic payments


Please read our privacy policy before proceeding to the loan application.

In Buffalo, call: 1-307-684-5591 or contact us

Cody Milmine

Wes Haskins, direct line 1-307-684-7112

Rich Griffith, direct line 1-307-684-7664

In Sheridan, call: 1-307-673-8100 or contact us

Donna Richards

Nate Roe

Brittany Winges

In Gillette, call: 1-307-685-2702 or contact us

Guadalupe Bustillos

Josh Richardson

In Evanston, call: 1-307-789-3700 or contact us

Alexis Cannon

Banking fair and honest - The Wyoming Way

This application has fillable form fields for your convenience. Once you’ve downloaded the application, you have the option to fill out on screen. Once complete, please print the form and submit to your local branch lender. We look forward to assisting you!

Download our printable Consumer Loan Application